How do I open a store?

All sellers must apply to sell on the Silk Purse Guild

Become a Verified Member

Becoming verified is simple, and it comes with a whole heap of benefits for your business

Documents are Password Protected

The trainings in our Academy are password protected

Can I sell Greetings cards?

Not all Greetings cards are made the same.......

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How do I cancel my Membership?

We've have made this super easy for you.

Benefits of Joining the Silk Purse Guild

SPG is so much more than an online marketplace!

Academy account Membership
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What if I get stuck?

Never fear, there is always help available at the Guild, for those who ask for it!

What is HEX?

Hex is a powerful tool to help with one of the biggest time sucks faced by Handmade business owners!

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