I've listed a product, but can't see it on the website?
Pending product listings for new Guild Members
Pending product listings for new Guild Members As a new seller on the Silk Purse Guild, all product listings will be listed as "pending".
Pending products do not show up on the main site, and this is the reason why.
Most businesses have the option to meet applicants face to face. They have interviews to get to know them better, and presentations to view their products and work out if they will be the right fit. Online businesses do not have this option, and at the Silk Purse Guild we have only a registration form, Facebook Group and a mailing list.

The Internet is a scary place sometimes!
Lets face it, you wouldn't simply open your door these days, and invite any stranger to join you for a cuppa. You would be amazed to know how many hackers, bots and basically dodgy individuals are trying to get into your website these days. They often do this simply to see if they can, but sometimes the outcome is more sinister.
At the Silk Purse Guild, we value security, for both our stores and our customers. The last thing we want to happen is to showcase a store full of inappropriate content and spam. Spam is for tins!

Not every applicant will be successful
The Silk Purse Guild is dedicated to help small, Handmade Business owners in the UK, succeed. We aim to help them to improve, grow and become the top of their game!.
We also have a commitment to our customers. When visitors come to the Silk Purse Guild, we want them to find something fabulous in every single search. Carefully vetting applicants will ensure that we only work with the very best UK Makers, ensuring the highest possible quality across the board.
Product listings can be tricky, and tech does not come easy to everyone. The Silk Purse Guild will support ALL of its Guild Members, right up until the point where the training wheels can come off, no matter how long this takes.
All of our Guild Members are all shades of awesome sauce!